In Icebreaker there are 3 red ships and 3 black ships in the six corners of the board. The rest of the board
starts out filled with white icebergs. You capture an iceberg by moving your ship into a cell containing one.
The goal is to capture the majority of the icebergs.
Ships must move one cell closer to their nearest iceberg. So, in other words, if you chose to move a
particular ship, and that ship is adjacent to one or more icebergs, you must capture one of them. If the ship
is not adjacent to any icebergs, you must move it one cell closer to the iceberg that's closest to it.
Spēlētāju skaits: 2
Spēles ilgums: 6 mn
Sarežģītība: 1 / 5
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Spēlē Icebreaker un 993 citas spēles tiešaistē.
Nekas nav jākačā - spēlē pa tiešo no pārlūka.
Ar saviem draugiem un tūkstošiem spēlētāju no visas pasaules.
Par brīvu.
Noteikumu kopsavilkums
- The game is played on a hexagonal grid with side length 5.
- Each player has 3 ships, which are placed at corners. The rest are icebergs.
- On your turn, you must move one of your ships to an adjacent space without a ship.
- You must move it closer to one of the nearest iceberg(s) in the progress.
- If there is an iceberg in the space, you capture it.
End of the Game
- If you capture the majority of icebergs (for example, 28 icebergs on a size 5 board), you win!