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Galda iestatījumi

Spēļu režīms
'Parastais' režīms
Spēles temps
'Reāllaika' • Vidēja tempa
Game length
Always frozen discard
Number of decks (ignored in 6-player)
Uses 3 decks. Each player receives 15 cards at the start and draws 2 cards per turn in 2/3/4-player mode. At least two completed melds are required to go out.
Sequence meld
Melds of three or more regular cards (up to seven cards) of the consecutive rank and the same suit are allowed. Wilds or 3s cannot be used in sequence melds. A completed sequence meld scores 1500 bonus points. When the top card of the discard pile fits on one end of a player's sequence meld of less than seven cards, they may take the top card only and add it to the sequence, even if the discard pile is frozen.
Wild meld
Melds of three or more wild cards are allowed. A completed wild meld scores 2000 bonus points. Players still cannot take the discard pile when a wild card is the top card.
-100 per black 3
Each black 3 in hand scores -100 points instead of -5 points.
Team members (4 players)
Random team

2 min

vidējais gaidīšanas laiks

Spēles rezultāts

Galda iestatījumi

Spēļu režīms
'Parastais' režīms
Spēles temps
'Reāllaika' • Vidēja tempa
+0:39 ik pēc gājiena (maximum 2:57)
Game length
Always frozen discard
Number of decks (ignored in 6-player)
Uses 3 decks. Each player receives 15 cards at the start and draws 2 cards per turn in 2/3/4-player mode. At least two completed melds are required to go out.
Sequence meld
Melds of three or more regular cards (up to seven cards) of the consecutive rank and the same suit are allowed. Wilds or 3s cannot be used in sequence melds. A completed sequence meld scores 1500 bonus points. When the top card of the discard pile fits on one end of a player's sequence meld of less than seven cards, they may take the top card only and add it to the sequence, even if the discard pile is frozen.
Wild meld
Melds of three or more wild cards are allowed. A completed wild meld scores 2000 bonus points. Players still cannot take the discard pile when a wild card is the top card.
-100 per black 3
Each black 3 in hand scores -100 points instead of -5 points.
Team members (4 players)
Random team

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