Game Round
On your turn, select a tile from your hand and check if a capture is taking place.
- If the value or color of this tile matches that of one of the face-up tiles in the queue, that map in the queue is captured. If more than one tile is snappable, you can only capture one of them. The played and captured tiles are then placed on their location in the mountain panorama. If there was a face-down tile underneath the captured tile, it is turned face up.
- Second chance: If no capture is possible with the selected tile, it is placed in the queue, face up. Then, draw a tile from the deck to attempt a new capture. If possible, a capture is made in the same way.
- If the drawn tile still doesn't allow capture, it's added to the queue, face up, and you earn a rainbow tile. Place this tile in any empty location of your choice in your panorama, so long as it is next a tile you already have in your panorama. If it is the first turn of the game and you get a rainbow, it may go anywhere.
You finish your turn by drawing a panorama tile.
Note: If you later retrieve a tile that corresponds to a position where a rainbow is located:
- If the rainbow is stuck under a spirit, the panorama tile is discarded;
- If the rainbow is free, you can move the rainbow somewhere else and place the panorama tile in its location.
You may encounter one spirit per turn, if you have formed a square of 4 panorama tiles. During a meeting, you can:
- Meet 1 spirit face up, next to the spirit pickaxe; or
- Draw 2 spirits face down, meet 1 of them and place the other face up next to the pickaxe.
The spirit encountered is placed in the center of the square newly formed by the panorama tiles.
Be careful, even if you make several squares in your panorama during the same game turn, you can only encounter one Spirit on that turn.
Blue spirits have an end game effect that usually awards points.
Bee: +1 point for every Spirit with a plain background in your panorama.
Ladybug: +1 point every Fire symbol that has not been lit.
Wolf: +1 point for each separate panorama section (even those made of a single tile).
Squirrel: At the end of the game, before you calculate the scores, add all the tiles you have remaining in your hand to your panorama. This does not generate new Spirits.
Bird: +1 point for every Spirit with a blue background in your panorama, except this one.
Frog: +1 point for every Rainbow tile in your panorama.
Moth: +1 for every lit Fire symbol
Plain Spirits have an immediate effect.
Fish: Pick up a Rainbow tile and place it in your panorama.
Deer: Add a tile from your hand to your panorama. You draw 2 tiles at the end of your turn.
Eagle: Add a tile drawn at random from the Land draw pile to your panorama.
Bear: Draw a Land tile (you’ll therefore have one extra tile in your hand during play).
Fly: Add a tile to your panorama that you’ve randomly selected from your opponent’s hand. Your opponent takes a new tile from the Land draw pile in compensation, if there are any left.
Beetle: Add a face-up tile of your choice from the display to your panorama.
Marmot: Finish your turn, then play another full turn (so you get 2 turns).
Evil Sprit:
Evil Spirit: Get another Spirit to give this Evil Spirit to your opponent. At the end of the game, the player with the Evil Spirit has to use it to cover one of their own Spirits, as chosen by their opponent.
When the panorama deck is depleted, players continue to take turns, as long as they can capture with a tile in hand. If you can't take a tile, you have to pass. The game ends when both players have passed.
In your largest contiguous tile area, each panorama tile earns 1 star. Rainbow cards can be used to expand your area, but they don't earn points in this context.
Each tile with a fire icon, which can be connected by a continuous path of tiles to the bottom line, is worth 1 star.
Every spirit is worth 1 star, with some spirits worth extra stars at the end of the game.
Firefly Expansion
The Firefly Expansion adds Fireflies, 4 new Spirits, and changes how the Evil Spirit works.
During you turn, after you formed and selected a square of 4 panorama tiles and met a spirit, any/every other square of 4 panorama tiles you made during that turn are given a "firefly" token.
Fireflies score like lit fires do, i.e. if from where it is, there is a continuous path to the bottom of board, they are each worth +1 point.
If you manage to get 4 Fireflies on you board at once; however, you immediately win the game!
New Spirits
Holy Cow: +1 point for each Land tile in the second-biggest group in your panorama.
Pheonix: +1 point for every Firefly in your panorama (regardless of whether they are "lit" like fires).
Viper: Take an isolated Land tile from your opponent’s panorama and add it to yours. If your opponent has no isolated tile, the effect is lost.
Fox: Your opponent reveals their hand. You choose one of those Land tiles which they MUST play on their next turn. Then he takes his tiles back in hand.
Evil Spirit
The Evil Spirit now goes directly on the opponent's board. When placing the Evil Spirit "rainbow" rules apply. i.e. it may be placed anywhere on an opponent's board next to wherever they already have a tile.
The Evil Spirit blocks the tile it is on. No other tile or rainbow may be placed on top of the Evil Spirit. It does not "join" different contiguous tile areas together.
To get rid of it you must first get another spirit, only after the new spirits effects are resolved and your turn is ending can you remove the Evil Spirit and place it on your opponent's panorama.
The Evil Spirit no longer blocks any other spirit for end game scoring.