#98020: "In many games, victory is displayed as defeat"
Kas notika? Lūdzu izvēlies no zemākredzamajiem
Kas notika? Lūdzu izvēlies no zemākredzamajiem
Lūdzu, pārbaudiet, vai par šo pašu tēmu jau ir ziņojums
Ja jā, lūdzu, balsojiet par šo ziņojumu. Ziņojumiem ar vislielākajām balsīm tiek dota PRIORITĀTE!
# | Status | Votes | Game | Type | Title | Last update |
Detalizēts apraksts
• Lūdzu nokopē/ielīmē kļūdas ziņu, ko redzi ekrānā, ja tāda ir.
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Lūdzu paskaidro, ko Tu vēlējies darīt, ko Tu izdarīji un kas notika
Since yesterday or the day before (9/7/2023), I have noticed that my games have had the wrong sounds (defeat or neutral sound when I won, defeat sound when I was #2 of 6). Today I also noticed that the game results display the correct score and ELO calculation, but the text says "Game result: End of Game (Defeat)", even though I won the game. Screenshot: imgur.com/3GEsbDg
This is not specific to Innovation. Several bug reports have been filed in recent days with the same complaint, but with different games. I collected a partial list below.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Lūdzu iekopē tekstu, kas redzams angļu, nevis tavā valodā. Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Vai šis teksts ir pieejams tulkošanas sistēmā? Ja jā, vai tas ir ticis tulkots pēdējo 24 stundu laikā?
Since yesterday or the day before (9/7/2023), I have noticed that my games have had the wrong sounds (defeat or neutral sound when I won, defeat sound when I was #2 of 6). Today I also noticed that the game results display the correct score and ELO calculation, but the text says "Game result: End of Game (Defeat)", even though I won the game. Screenshot: imgur.com/3GEsbDg
This is not specific to Innovation. Several bug reports have been filed in recent days with the same complaint, but with different games. I collected a partial list below.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Lūdzu, paskaidrojiet savu ieteikumu precīzi un kodolīgi, lai tas būtu pēc iespējas vieglāk saprotams.
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Kas tika attēlots ekrānā, kad Tu tiki bloķēts (tukšs ekrāns? Daļa no spēles interfeisa? Ziņa par kļūdu?)?
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Kura noteikumu daļa netika ņemta vērā BGA versijā?
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Vai noteikumu pārkāpums ir redzams spēles atkārtojumā? Ja jā, tad kurā gājienā?
Since yesterday or the day before (9/7/2023), I have noticed that my games have had the wrong sounds (defeat or neutral sound when I won, defeat sound when I was #2 of 6). Today I also noticed that the game results display the correct score and ELO calculation, but the text says "Game result: End of Game (Defeat)", even though I won the game. Screenshot: imgur.com/3GEsbDg
This is not specific to Innovation. Several bug reports have been filed in recent days with the same complaint, but with different games. I collected a partial list below.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Kādu spēles darbību Tu vēlējies veikt?
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Ko tu dari, lai panāktu šo spēles darbību?
Since yesterday or the day before (9/7/2023), I have noticed that my games have had the wrong sounds (defeat or neutral sound when I won, defeat sound when I was #2 of 6). Today I also noticed that the game results display the correct score and ELO calculation, but the text says "Game result: End of Game (Defeat)", even though I won the game. Screenshot: imgur.com/3GEsbDg
This is not specific to Innovation. Several bug reports have been filed in recent days with the same complaint, but with different games. I collected a partial list below.• Kas notika, kad veicāt šo darbību (kļūdas paziņojums, spēles informācijas paziņojums,...)?
• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Kurā spēles solī problēma parādījās (kas bija tā brīža spēles instrukcija)?
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Kas notika, kad mēģinājāt veikt spēles darbību (kļūdas paziņojums, spēles informācijas paziņojums,...)?
Since yesterday or the day before (9/7/2023), I have noticed that my games have had the wrong sounds (defeat or neutral sound when I won, defeat sound when I was #2 of 6). Today I also noticed that the game results display the correct score and ELO calculation, but the text says "Game result: End of Game (Defeat)", even though I won the game. Screenshot: imgur.com/3GEsbDg
This is not specific to Innovation. Several bug reports have been filed in recent days with the same complaint, but with different games. I collected a partial list below.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Lūdzu aprakstiet radušos problēmu. Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Lūdzu iekopē tekstu, kas redzams angļu, nevis tavā valodā. Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Vai šis teksts ir pieejams tulkošanas sistēmā? Ja jā, vai tas ir ticis tulkots pēdējo 24 stundu laikā?
Since yesterday or the day before (9/7/2023), I have noticed that my games have had the wrong sounds (defeat or neutral sound when I won, defeat sound when I was #2 of 6). Today I also noticed that the game results display the correct score and ELO calculation, but the text says "Game result: End of Game (Defeat)", even though I won the game. Screenshot: imgur.com/3GEsbDg
This is not specific to Innovation. Several bug reports have been filed in recent days with the same complaint, but with different games. I collected a partial list below.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
• Lūdzu, paskaidrojiet savu ieteikumu precīzi un kodolīgi, lai tas būtu pēc iespējas vieglāk saprotams.
"Game result: End of Game (Defeat)"
even though I won the game.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Brave Version 1.57.62 Chromium: 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Ziņojuma vēsture
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97962 Castles of Caleira
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97937 Innovation (again)
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97925 Living Forest + Abandon All Artichokes
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97986 Just Desserts
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97956 Chakra
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97996 Setup
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97949 Innovation (again)
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97915 Decrypto
boardgamearena.com/bug?id=97896 CuBirds
Hand & Foot Table #415985157
I am also experiencing the issue with the incorrect sound.
Also getting incorrect defeat message (Happened in King Of Tokyo).
Games: boardgamearena.com/table?table=417542052
& Game: boardgamearena.com/table?table=417546487
Firefox 117.0.1 on Windows
Screenshot available if needed, but given the number of reports I'm assuming you don't.
Version 116.0.1938.81 (Official build) (64-bit)
the two times I have won since that date.
Innovation Table #415990857
I was winner, but it said end of game defeat, and I think it played the defeat sound, becuase I was in the middle of a turn and it made end of game noise and I exclaimed "no, what did I do?" (unexpectedly got achievement that won the game)
I lost after drawing 11 to end the game and had a higher score than my opponent
Even if displayed "defeat", won games are counting as win.
But should be fix this bug.
Table 420770933; 420763876 Abandon all Artichokes and Just Desserts. Screenshots if needed.
Using Mozilla Firefox
Release 20th September 2023 230920-1000
games: fix display issue showing wrong result at game end
...except this report still has status "open", and the bug happened to me within the past 24 hours at the following table: boardgamearena.com/table?table=418175103
The tie bug is also still happening in the past 24 hours, e.g. here: boardgamearena.com/table?table=421438417
This issue has happened repeatedly over the past several weeks.
i want to reassure everybody that this affected just the display: the actual rankings and ELO rating were always calculated and updated correctly :)
Pievieno kaut ko šim ziņojumam
- Cita galda ID / gājiena ID
- Vai F5 atrisināja šo problēmu?
- Vai šī problēma parādās vairākas reizes? Katru reizi? Nekonkrētās reizēs?
- Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.