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Bunny Kingdom ziņojumi
#96764: " Endgame : count the points of each scroll (better visibility than displaying the winner directly)"
inforequest: Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu
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• Lūdzu, paskaidrojiet savu ieteikumu precīzi un kodolīgi, lai tas būtu pēc iespējas vieglāk saprotams.
End of the game : it would be necessary to animate the counting of points for each scroll and each players.
1) Better visibility. How did the player earn the points? What mission did he complete? What mission did he miss?
2) It Is more fun to see the points increase (rather than displaying the winner directly). There is suspense when counting the points.
Other games have nice endgame animations:
- Dice Forge
- The board game Les Aventuriers du Rail
- 7 wonders
- 7 wonders Duel
Thank you.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Mozilla v5
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2023 25. aug. 2:58 •
BaronFraser • Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu:
2023 25. aug. 3:05 • Hey there!
Thanks for the suggestions.
In terms of #2 - I must admit I'm not personally a fan of the "animated" approach (for example, I dislike it a lot in Dice Forge as I feel it slows things down a lot) but will consider it if this gets a few upvotes.
In terms of #1 - can I please check that you ARE seeing the scoreboards under "Final Situation" (and not just looking at the stats in "Game results"). This does provide a full breakdown of "How did the player earn the points? What missions did they complete? What missions did they miss?". Is there something missing from that screen that you feel needs improvement or clarity?
Thanks for the suggestions.
In terms of #2 - I must admit I'm not personally a fan of the "animated" approach (for example, I dislike it a lot in Dice Forge as I feel it slows things down a lot) but will consider it if this gets a few upvotes.
In terms of #1 - can I please check that you ARE seeing the scoreboards under "Final Situation" (and not just looking at the stats in "Game results"). This does provide a full breakdown of "How did the player earn the points? What missions did they complete? What missions did they miss?". Is there something missing from that screen that you feel needs improvement or clarity?
Vengil • Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu:
2023 25. aug. 10:48 • Thank you for your reply ! (sorry for my bad english).
Yes, I saw the dashboards under "Final situation".
Dice Forge animations can be too slow. But an animation of a few seconds would make for a less abrupt and more enjoyable endgame. Look at this example with "7 Duel Wonders":
Could there be something similar in few seconds ? (e.g.: one row for points for rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasures, and Mission, then total). This will be even more valuable with the future extension on BGA.
Thank you for this game: it is very well coded and very pleasant to play!
I eagerly await the extension! :)
Best regards
Yes, I saw the dashboards under "Final situation".
Dice Forge animations can be too slow. But an animation of a few seconds would make for a less abrupt and more enjoyable endgame. Look at this example with "7 Duel Wonders":
Could there be something similar in few seconds ? (e.g.: one row for points for rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasures, and Mission, then total). This will be even more valuable with the future extension on BGA.
Thank you for this game: it is very well coded and very pleasant to play!
I eagerly await the extension! :)
Best regards
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