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Bunny Kingdom ziņojumi
#88793: "very glitchy.."
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• Kas tika attēlots ekrānā, kad Tu tiki bloķēts (tukšs ekrāns? Daļa no spēles interfeisa? Ziņa par kļūdu?)?
red error message• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Google Chrome v113
Ziņojuma vēsture
nicki1 • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2023 17. mai. 19:49 • needs to be refreshed A LOT...and on the last turn we were kicked out altogether
BaronFraser • Spēles attīstītāji pieprasa vairāk informāciju, lai varētu novērst kļūmi:
2023 18. mai. 0:08 • Hey there,
Thanks for the report! I'll need some detail to understand this message.
What was the red error message?
What were you doing when it happened?
What do you mean by "needs to be refreshed a LOT"? Does that imply you're experiencing some visual bugs? If so, what are they?
What do you mean by "and on the last turn we were kicked out altogether"?
Thanks for the report! I'll need some detail to understand this message.
What was the red error message?
What were you doing when it happened?
What do you mean by "needs to be refreshed a LOT"? Does that imply you're experiencing some visual bugs? If so, what are they?
What do you mean by "and on the last turn we were kicked out altogether"?
BaronFraser • Spēles attīstītāji ir apstiprinājuši šo kļūmi:
2023 18. mai. 0:36 • Hello again!
I've just checked the error logs and can see that you were affected by a couple of deadlocks (these generally can be triggered during the Construction Phase if two players happened to attempt a build at exactly the same time).
There's a fair amount of code in there to avoid the issue, and I haven't seen it at all for a while - but I've always been aware that it's been theoretically possible.
Can I check - when you say "needs to be refreshed a LOT" - do I take it that this was because you attempted an action but it then appeared to "hang" and not respond to the action (it's still waiting for the original deadlock to resolve, which can take a few minutes)?
I will, in the short term at least, attempt to intercept this issue when it does happen (which may be unavoidable, particularly in real time games) to give a clearer response to players rather than a generic error message.
I've just checked the error logs and can see that you were affected by a couple of deadlocks (these generally can be triggered during the Construction Phase if two players happened to attempt a build at exactly the same time).
There's a fair amount of code in there to avoid the issue, and I haven't seen it at all for a while - but I've always been aware that it's been theoretically possible.
Can I check - when you say "needs to be refreshed a LOT" - do I take it that this was because you attempted an action but it then appeared to "hang" and not respond to the action (it's still waiting for the original deadlock to resolve, which can take a few minutes)?
I will, in the short term at least, attempt to intercept this issue when it does happen (which may be unavoidable, particularly in real time games) to give a clearer response to players rather than a generic error message.
bgrubaugh • Spēles attīstītāji ir apstiprinājuši šo kļūmi:
2023 19. mai. 23:21 • Don't know if this is anything like my experience or not, but I kept getting the error..
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
Error while processing database request (reference: GS9 19/05 23:17:43)
>> Get me out of here <<
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
Error while processing database request (reference: GS9 19/05 23:17:43)
>> Get me out of here <<
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