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Obsession ziņojumi
#72638: "Could the highlighting of cards be made a little more obvious please"
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• Lūdzu, paskaidrojiet savu ieteikumu precīzi un kodolīgi, lai tas būtu pēc iespējas vieglāk saprotams.
I find the red/white borders used for showing which guests are selected quite difficult to see. I do generally have difficulty seeing thin red highlights so this may be more of a personal vision issue than a general problem.
I suggest it might be improved if the highlight were bright yellow and or a couple of pixels thicker.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Google Chrome v105
Ziņojuma vēsture
2022 26. sep. 17:36 •
hersh • Šo ieteikumu izstrādātāji vēl nav analizējuši:
2022 26. sep. 18:54 • Yellow was already used for another purpose (when one gets new cards). Thicker borders might be possible, have to look at the spacing.
fluffbutter • Šo ieteikumu izstrādātāji vēl nav analizējuši:
2022 30. okt. 18:14 • In particular, the green highlighting around the cards chosen to play that round is hard to see.
pabula • Šo ieteikumu izstrādātāji vēl nav analizējuši:
2022 30. dec. 17:00 • please change that as it is hard to see which card you will have available next round.
thicker green border or different colour.
or make the card used bigger
thicker green border or different colour.
or make the card used bigger
Dr3iZack • Šo ieteikumu izstrādātāji vēl nav analizējuši:
2024 8. mai. 8:32 • especially the green when you decided which guests to invite and then plan your next moves and what to buy - I think right after receiving favors and before buying from the market the cards should move down to used as the coloring really does not help much here.
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