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Cribbage ziņojumi
#24869: "Board takes up too much space"
acknowledged: Izstrādātāji piekrīt tam, ka tā ir laba ideja, un plāno pie tās strādāt
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• Lūdzu, paskaidrojiet savu ieteikumu precīzi un kodolīgi, lai tas būtu pēc iespējas vieglāk saprotams.
The board is so big that I have to scroll down to see my cards, then scroll up again to see what's happening.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Google Chrome v85
Ziņojuma vēsture
mvp • Šo ieteikumu izstrādātāji vēl nav analizējuši:
2020 16. sep. 3:47 • It fixed itself if I changed the window so it wasn't full-screen.
MikeIsHere • Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu:
2020 16. sep. 12:14 • Hello, are you able to take a screen shot, or give me your screen resolution. The board should resize dynamically to always fit in the the right hand space.
mvp • Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu:
2020 17. sep. 22:48 • My display resolution is 1920x1080. I’ve tried to take a screenshot, but I’m not sure how to attach it. I’m not on imgur so I’ll have to figure something else out.
Other update: I started a game with the window at less than full screen and it happened again, but then when I maximized, it reset appropriately.
Other update: I started a game with the window at less than full screen and it happened again, but then when I maximized, it reset appropriately.
MikeIsHere • Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu:
2020 18. sep. 0:41 • Img allows for free upload found in the top left corner
1920x1080 is the screen size I use, and the largest supported (after that the board doesn't grow)
Are you on windows, or mac? I see that you are on Chrome 85...
Also can you please right click on the board and choose inspect.
Then from that window give me the transform and margin values please
1920x1080 is the screen size I use, and the largest supported (after that the board doesn't grow)
Are you on windows, or mac? I see that you are on Chrome 85...
Also can you please right click on the board and choose inspect.
Then from that window give me the transform and margin values please
tasajara • Izstrādātāji vēlētos saņemt vairāk informācijas par šo ieteikumu:
2020 14. nov. 1:38 • I suggest using a more standard board layout that doesn't take up so much space. Also it seems it would be better if it was long ways across the screen below the cards or give an option to choose which direction to display the board.
MikeIsHere • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 14. nov. 19:05 • this is an old bug from sept. the original pictures are no longer the design. If you would like a different board you can contribute the art work
tasajara • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 15. nov. 1:48 • Here is one I did, saved at different sizes which could be used for different screens. It still would need some tweaks but is an example of what I'm thinking.
Very small:
Very small:
MikeIsHere • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 15. nov. 16:17 • Thank you for this it's nice would it be possible to add multiple game holes up to four for each player
As far as the multiple sizes that doesn't really work because you have to map the holes differently and I can't use transform to shrink the board because that was rejected by BGA
As far as the multiple sizes that doesn't really work because you have to map the holes differently and I can't use transform to shrink the board because that was rejected by BGA
tasajara • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 16. nov. 15:30 • I'm not sure what you mean by 'up to 4 holes for each player'. Do you mean the 2 holes at the bottom add 2 more? Or do you mean 4 tracks, one track for each player?
MikeIsHere • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 16. nov. 15:42 • The current implementation of cribbage allows for best of 7 matches, so the board needs 4 holes for each player to identify how many games won
You can see this on the current board in the bottom middle below the 60 pt curve
You can see this on the current board in the bottom middle below the 60 pt curve
Morganfitzp • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 16. nov. 23:42 • I still think the board is too big and that the graphics of the cards could be greatly improved.
tasajara • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 20. nov. 9:21 • Apologies for the delay, got a little busy this week.
Modified with Match play track, adjusted a few details:
Modified with Match play track, adjusted a few details:
tasajara • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 20. nov. 9:29 • Oops, IMGUR confused me on which image was which. Trying again:
tasajara • Šis ieteikums ir īstenots:
2020 20. nov. 9:46 • Sorry, alternate version with extra peg hole for match scoring:
MikeIsHere • Izstrādātāji piekrīt tam, ka tā ir laba ideja, un plāno pie tās strādāt:
2020 21. nov. 21:07 • So I working in the new board (Medium)
An issue might come up with the color pegs and the color track on the board. Imagine if the blue player had the red track and vis-versa
So if you would like to, and can come up with neutral color pegs, maybe , copper? I think that would look nice
Otherwise here is a preview
An issue might come up with the color pegs and the color track on the board. Imagine if the blue player had the red track and vis-versa
So if you would like to, and can come up with neutral color pegs, maybe , copper? I think that would look nice
Otherwise here is a preview
EllenCaroline • Izstrādātāji piekrīt tam, ka tā ir laba ideja, un plāno pie tās strādāt:
2021 14. feb. 2:29 • Board is still too big. I have to CTRL - CTRL - several times to move the board to the right side of the screen out of the way.
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