#20254: "Premier player coloring was honored"
Kāds ir šis ziņojums?
Kas notika? Lūdzu izvēlies no zemākredzamajiem
Detalizēts apraksts
• Lūdzu aprakstiet radušos problēmu. Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.
I created a playing of this game and my preferred player color was not honored. That's one of the key reasons I became premier - so that I could always find myself as the same color.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Google Chrome v83
Ziņojuma vēsture
Although I'm a premium member, did set up the table, and my preferred colour was available, I did not get it.
I'm using Firefox 81.0
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
Pievieno kaut ko šim ziņojumam
- Cita galda ID / gājiena ID
- Vai F5 atrisināja šo problēmu?
- Vai šī problēma parādās vairākas reizes? Katru reizi? Nekonkrētās reizēs?
- Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.