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Terra Mystica ziņojumi
#19206: "sequence of favor tile (fire 2) effects: should found a town (if applicable) before cult boost"
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• Kura noteikumu daļa netika ņemta vērā BGA versijā?
"8 of the favor tiles immediately unlock a special ability. Additionally, immediately and only once, they increase your influence in a given Cult by 1 or 2." (Page 18 of my rulebook.) See additional information below.• Vai noteikumu pārkāpums ir redzams spēles atkārtojumā? Ja jā, tad kurā gājienā?
Maybe? I don't know how to make the game replay go back that far.• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Google Chrome v83
Ziņojuma vēsture
ExiledHippie • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2020 13. jūn. 15:29 • Arguably, these two "immediate" effects (in the cited rule) should be executed in the order in which the rule refers to them. Usually it won't matter, but theoretically it could sometimes. If that special ability causes the founding of a town, and the player was at level 8 or 9 in fire, then that sequence could make the difference between allowing the player to get to level 10 or not - because of the cult level limits relating to towns.
In this particular game, the player made a sanctuary and took the "fire 2" favor tile, which thereby allowed him to found a town (because the total power level in that cluster of buildings was 6). The log indicates that his fire cult level was increased by 2 *before* the town was established. (In this case it made no difference.)
In this particular game, the player made a sanctuary and took the "fire 2" favor tile, which thereby allowed him to found a town (because the total power level in that cluster of buildings was 6). The log indicates that his fire cult level was increased by 2 *before* the town was established. (In this case it made no difference.)
diamant • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2020 13. jūn. 17:47 • You do not describe any bugs in your report and it does not appear that you noticed a bug during a game.
The bug management system is not intended to host simple discussions about games. So I advise you to post this kind of message in the forum dedicated to Terra Mystica.
The bug management system is not intended to host simple discussions about games. So I advise you to post this kind of message in the forum dedicated to Terra Mystica.
ExiledHippie • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2020 16. jūn. 15:44 • I think you have misread my report.
I described what the log indicated (regarding the sequence in which the effects were applied).
Would you consider this a bug if the circumstances had been such that it made a difference to the outcome?
I described what the log indicated (regarding the sequence in which the effects were applied).
Would you consider this a bug if the circumstances had been such that it made a difference to the outcome?
diamant • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2020 16. jūn. 16:42 • Perhaps I misread your report, but I understood that you were describing a theoretical bug by assuming that the implementation would always start by advancing the player’s marker on the track of the fire cult.
I think this assumption is unfounded, and that for such a common game situation, we should only report bugs that actually happen, not the ones that you fear will happen.
I think this assumption is unfounded, and that for such a common game situation, we should only report bugs that actually happen, not the ones that you fear will happen.
Timotheus • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2020 20. jūn. 16:49 • Calling the report "unfounded" seems harsh. This is a situation that is very probably a bug, but admittedly there is a small chance that developers inserted special logic. I would bet they did not because it is such rare special case. And yet it could well be game spoiling. It would be wise to assume that those taking their time to make bug reports (to improve this site) are not doing so foolishly. They should be encouraged, not insulted.
diamant • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2020 20. jūn. 19:31 • @ Tiembone: Terrra Mystica has been implemented on BGA for more than 2 years. Do you think that all the players who noticed a bug related to a very frequent game situation would have refrained from reporting it for 2 years?
Sorry, but "unfounded" is the right word for reporting a bug that was not actually noticed, just seen in a crystal ball. You insult all the players of Terra Mystica who have contributed to the improvement of the implementation of Terra Mystica since this game is available on BGA.
Sorry, but "unfounded" is the right word for reporting a bug that was not actually noticed, just seen in a crystal ball. You insult all the players of Terra Mystica who have contributed to the improvement of the implementation of Terra Mystica since this game is available on BGA.
SpaceCowboy • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2021 16. apr. 9:49 • I just experienced the edge case where this makes a difference. The implementation is correct (get town key first, then advance cult). EXCEPT there was a false warning that I would not be able to advance to the final cult space.
flat1701 • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2021 6. sep. 4:13 • Faq 2.10 says,
we have fire 8 and nokeys and total 6pw structures, can getfire2, get townkey, advance to fire 10.
I cannot do that at #196976432
we have fire 8 and nokeys and total 6pw structures, can getfire2, get townkey, advance to fire 10.
I cannot do that at #196976432
RedAlert39 • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2021 29. sep. 2:50 • flat1701, you were able to advance to the 10 spot in fire after taking fire2. Look at your game logs (read from bottom to top):
flat1701 founds a Town
flat1701 advances 2 spaces on the Cult of Fire track (Favor tile) and gains
flat1701 is founding a Town this turn and can use the key immediately
flat1701 takes a Favor tile
What about this sequence is unexpected for you?
flat1701 founds a Town
flat1701 advances 2 spaces on the Cult of Fire track (Favor tile) and gains
flat1701 is founding a Town this turn and can use the key immediately
flat1701 takes a Favor tile
What about this sequence is unexpected for you?
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