#161055: "wouldn't allow me to end my turn and kept looping with Unexpected error: BGA service error (referenc"
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• Kādu spēles darbību Tu vēlējies veikt?
wouldn't allow me to end my turn and kept looping with Unexpected error: BGA service error (reference: GS12 11/03 20:37:48)
every time it looped (I tried 5 or 6 times) it deducted from score but took me back to my last position.
Could not proceed with game and hand turn to the other player (two player game).
Had to abandon the game!
Lovely game so hope this was a random occurrence
• Ko tu dari, lai panāktu šo spēles darbību?
Tried all different combos: basic moves
all moves should have been allowed, and appeared to be ok
then tried to select "end Turn"• Kas notika, kad veicāt šo darbību (kļūdas paziņojums, spēles informācijas paziņojums,...)?
flashed message: If game seems unstable press F5 or click here to refresh (I tried both ignoring this and refreshing, neither helped)
also lashed error message BGA service error (reference: GS12 with date/timestamp
then reverted back to start of my turn
the scores were mucking up (deducting for no apparent reason)
the tokens in my hand were being flipped to show bulb side with ? attached so I couldn't see my whole hand
could not proceed and not clear why it kept looping so assume it is a bug
sorry I can't give more rationale as it makes no sense!
• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Google Chrome v116
Ziņojuma vēsture
tried refreshing/F5 with no success
tried repeatedly without success
I hae a screenshot but can't figure out how to use Imgur to upload atm
On Imgur, please click on "+ New post" then upload your image and share the link here.
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- Vai F5 atrisināja šo problēmu?
- Vai šī problēma parādās vairākas reizes? Katru reizi? Nekonkrētās reizēs?
- Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot Imgur.com , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.