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gardenrush_displayed ziņojumi
#147534: "Was allowed to use bonus action even though I didn't land on the tool spot on the score board. "
fixed: Kļūme tika novērsta
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• Kura noteikumu daļa netika ņemta vērā BGA versijā?
When harvesting my Gnome went 6 spaces instead of 5. Also, it didn't land directly on the bonus tool box (although it should have) and it let me use the bonus. SO not sure if it is just displaying in the wrong place or if there is another bug that is letting me use the bonus even when I don't land on the exact right space.• Vai noteikumu pārkāpums ir redzams spēles atkārtojumā? Ja jā, tad kurā gājienā?• Kāda ir Tava pārlūkprogramma?
Mozilla v5
Ziņojuma vēsture
2024 30. nov. 3:10 •
whataboutki • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2024 30. nov. 3:16 • I rewatched the game from the beginning. And it is displaying correctly now and I did land on the Bonus Tool Icon on the score track. For some reason in game it was showing me landing on space 12 instead.
Moof • Attīstītāji vēl nav izlabojuši kļūmi:
2024 30. nov. 12:13 •
2024 9. dec. 19:32 • This looks like a bug with the scoring display. I didn't find the issue yet.
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- Ja Tev ir ekrānuzņēmums, kurā redzama kļūme (laba prakse), vari izmantot , lai to augšupielādētu un kopētu/ielīmētu saiti šeit.